Sell / Rent Your Property for Free

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How to SELL/RENT your Property in few steps?

  • Create Account

    Get registered your personal details

  • Verify mobile

    Verify Mobile to receive buyer's call

  • Property Details

    Add the all property details

  • Amenities & Photographs

    Add property amenities & photos

Post Free Property Ads on RealEstateIndia

  • Generate More Leads

    Information of your prospective customers and turn them into 100% genuine leads

  • Manage Dashboard

    Create and manage your properties & Projects by our user friendly panel which is absolutely free.

  • Smart Advertisement

    Advertise your property throguh our digital process and increase your reach to catch property market.

  • Great Customer Support

    Our excellent customer support makes you more approachable with Several tools and software programs.

  • Marketing & promotion

    We promote your properties through all types of online platforms

  • Higher Profits for Owners

    There is no brokage charges for your property advertisement

Hear What Our Customers Say

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Frequently Asked Questions - Why is it easy to Sell or Rent your Property ?
  1. Q1. Can I post property ads for free on RealEstateIndia.Com?

    Yes. RealEstateIndia.Com is the free property ads posting site where you can post property ads for free. Many registered property buyers go through the free listing of property sale/rent here.

  2. Q2. What details are essential to list property ads for free on RealEstateIndia.Com?

    For post property for sale or rent-free on RealEstateIndia.Com, you need to follow some simple steps. Login to RealEstateIndia.Com and enter all detailed information with property images related to the property. It includes property type, location, furnishing detail, and other information required for Property Ads.

  3. Q3. Will I get benefits after I post Property Ads For Free Online on RealEstateIndia.Com?

    Since RealEstateIndia.Com holds a firm grip in today's competitive market, it is the right platform for you to post rental property or sale property for free. Lakhs of verified property buyers and sellers are associated with us and the family is growing at pace. For real estate post free ads at RealEstateIndia.Com, a response on it is guaranteed.

  4. Q4. How would I know if the property listed on RealestateIndia.Com is generating leads?

    At RealEstateIndia.Com, the entire process is followed in a channelized manner. As soon as you log in to your account after your Property Advertisement, you can see all details, like queries and notifications, on the dashboard itself. With apt details & information, you will be contacted by the prospect buyer/seller. Not just this, but you can also make desired changes at any time after you list free ad for house rent or sale on the portal.

  5. Q5. Is appropriate support guaranteed for those who advertise sale/rent property for free?

    Definitely! We are aided by a dedicated support team that will manage your work effortlessly. For more, you can download the app from Google Play Store and App Store for better results.

  6. Q6. How'll I gain maximum visibility by listing a property ad for free on RealEstateIndia.Com?

    It is a simple process. After joining RealEstateIndia.Com, you require posting all details about the property with Property images. When you post your property ads for free on the portal, it will become visible on the data-frame for all other registered users, because it only free ads posting sites for real estate in India.

Why is it easy to Sell or Rent your Property ?

Looking at a property listing website that will effectively help you sell your house? Wondering where to advertise rentals? Join, a free property listing site wherein you can post free property ads online to list property for sale or post ad for rent. All you need to do is furnish a comprehensive property list with accurate and relevant details of your property.

In a matter of minutes, will help your property get the much-needed visibility. Property advertisements are the best way to reach out to potential homebuyers and tenants and shortlisting the best among the pool of the real estate listing websites should be your first step. A builder, an owner or an agent need not spend hours to sell house online or trying a hand at online rental. Listing property is a matter of few minutes and you are done. has a commendable traffic and millions of prospective homebuyers and tenants visit the website every day. Make the most of this opportunity to be visible and post unlimited real estate listings.