Offices are particularly built to make monetary profits that can lead to financial growth of the business. As an individual spends most of the time of his day in the office, it is requisite to have a pleasant working environment. For bringing prosperity in the office and improving the business potential, you should implement the principles of Vastu during the construction of the office.
Therefore, for the economic growth of an office, it is very important to first choose a location that is free from Vastu defects. Secondly, to prove functional for the economic growth of business, it should be free from any Vastu defects.
Vastu tips for office:
- Southwest, West and South Zones are considered to be the best direction for employees to get seated. They should never sit under the beam.
- Reception should be designed in the Northeast of the office and the receptionist should sit facing the North and East directions.
- Temple should be made in the Northeast corner of the office.
- The open spaces should be more in the North or East direction.
- The height of the buildings should be equivalent from all the sides.
- The placement of boring or tube well in the south direction is harmful for the finance.
- North and Northwest are the suitable directions for building toilets in office.
- It is recommended to build the staircase in the southern or western part of the office. The placement of the staircase in the centre should be avoided.
- It is recommended to build the staircase in the southern or western part of the office. The placement of the staircase in the centre should be avoided.
- Paintings depicting sadness should be avoided in the offices as it can affect the unity among the office members. Instead, paintings of god and goddesses should be placed as they bring luck and prosperity.
- For storing documents or placing the files, cupboards facing north should be built in the office.
- One of the best way of propagating harmony in the organization is, by placing an aquarium with 9 gold fish and 1 black fish in the east or north corner of the building.
Therefore, building offices as per Vastu will help in maintaining a balance between the different energies, thereby, bringing prosperity and success for the business of the organization. So, Vastu being a powerful science can surely bring good luck and progress for your organization.